Six more days to go - and I am curiously blank. Well, I confess I do feel relief for having packed my luggage to cargo home, get it down two floors (guess when the lift has to be repaired?) and to the post office. But nothing more than that. In case you're wondering what this all is about - I am leaving from Switzerland by next Friday (for now, that's all I can say).
Surely I will miss this place, this life - who won't? But there's nothing dramatic like when people rant and rave about leaving an onsite assignment to go back when they don't want to. I think I want to go back because that's the only place I feel I belong to. It's home - however insane and mad life can get there!
There are Indians who wanna stay away because of the money or because they are used to this life now. But the sad truth is that how much ever they convince themselves, they do not fit in completely into this society. They'll always be the foreigners here or the "immigrants". You can be as good as the next guy, professionally; and absorb their culture effortlessly - but I wish I could say more about how understanding they are towards us and our culture. India will always be a third-world country for them, where snake charmers and elephants are as commonplace as offshore development centres. One of them was also accounting to me the rodent problem he's heard his friend say exists in one of the offices offshore. Guess what? Two weeks back, there was a whole section of news devoted to rodent trouble in London. Ha!! And the fuss they create about Indian food!! Goodness gracious! The less said, the better!
Yes - I am glad to be going back. Period! :)